"Live with Squacky"

Live with Squacky - Season 4 - Episode 2 - Iliana Spirakis

February 07, 2023 Val Kelly Season 4 Episode 2

Iliana Spirakis is a Greek-Canadian actor born and raised in the beautiful city of
Thessaloniki, Greece. Based in Toronto, Iliana is a passionate storyteller whose
acting journey started from a very young age. Inspired by the ancient Greek plays
she watched as a child and the importance theatre played in her culture, she
knew from a very young that this was her life's dream and purpose.
I had the opportunity to meet Iliana at MAVO2022 this past November. She won
the Animation Category in a worldwide Voice Over competition created by "Get
Mic'd: The Ultimate VO Survivor Take 2"; that received over 1800 auditions and
was judged by VO giants like Elley Ray, Tara Stong, J. Micheal Collins, Deb Munro,
Ellen Dubin and more. One of her prizes for winning was a ticket to MAVO2022!!
It was very cool to meet Iliana in person. She is one of the kindest, most talented
actors I’ve met. I hope you enjoy this interview!

The MAVO2023 "Get Inspired" VO Conference is taking place on November 10-12, 2023 at the Westin Dulles Hotel in Herndon, VA. Our Keynote Speaker this year will be Casting director and Actress, Sirena Irwin. For more information and to register today, please visit our website at https://www.midatlanticvo.com 

"Live with Squacky" was mixed and mastered by everybody's favorite VO Tech, "Uncle" Roy Yokelson of "Antland Productions."

"Live with Squacky" is sponsored in part by Mid Atlantic Voiceover, LLC and Antland Productions.


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For more info about Val Kelly ("Squackyvoice" visit her website at https://www.midatlanticvo.com or https://www.valkellyvoiceover.com

Or follow her on Instagram @Midatlanticvo or @livewithsquacky

"Live with Squacky" is sponsored in part by Mid-Atlantic Voiceover, LLC, Antland Productions and Lorenzotti coffee.

"Live with Squacky" is mixed and mastered by everybody's favorite VO tech, Uncle Roy Yokelson of "Antland Productions."

To find out more and to register for MAVO2024 today, visit our website at https://www.midatlanticvo.com

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