"Live with Squacky"
A unique, lively, interview style podcast that dives into the world of voice acting and entertainment. Val Kelly is a professional voice actress and chats with fellow voice actors, as well as other pros from the industry (i.e. on-screen actors, musicians, casting directors, producers, film-makers, audio engineers etc.). Settle in and get ready for some upbeat conversations that will allow you the opportunity to gain knowledge from these industry pros and will hopefully help you to get inspired!
"Live with Squacky"
Live with Squacky - Season 5 - Episode 6 - Jeremy Grey
You already know I’m a voice actor, but some of you probably
don’t know that I’m up at 4:30am Monday-Friday from early
August until mid-June! I’m also a French teacher at a high school
in Northern Virginia – and the commute is a bit of a trek! Luckily, I
have a great morning show to listen to in the car everyday!! So,
I’ve been listening to B101.5 - a local Fredericksburg radio
station - for maybe like 15 years now!! The show has switched
hosts a couple of times since I started listening. And now it’s been
a few years since the latest host of the 5 o’clock show has been
on air. Jeremy Grey had big shoes to fill when he stepped into this
spot, because Dee Daniels was the host before him and she was
really well liked in the community and on air! But I have to say,
there really wasn’t much of an adjustment period. Jeremy stepped
right into “The Jeremy Grey Show” from 5am-10am on weekday
mornings without any issues at all! It seemed like it was so meant
to be!! He has a great rapport with Ted Schubel who is on the
show with him for the “5 o’clock club” from 5am-6am each
morning! Jeremy is originally from North Carolina, but has lived in
Virginia now for a few years. He loves thrifting, metal detecting
and he’s really funny too!
This is a super fun episode!! I hope you enjoy it! For more info about Jeremy Grey, check out info about him on B101.5! Or connect with him on Instagram @mrjeremygrey.
For more info about Val Kelly ("Squackyvoice" visit her website at https://www.midatlanticvo.com or https://www.valkellyvoiceover.com
Or follow her on Instagram @Midatlanticvo or @livewithsquacky
To become a MAVO Member and receive monthly discounts - as well as many other benefits, please click HERE!!!
"Live with Squacky" is sponsored in part by Mid-Atlantic Voiceover, LLC, Antland Productions and Lorenzotti coffee.
"Live with Squacky" is mixed and mastered by everybody's favorite VO tech, Uncle Roy Yokelson of "Antland Productions."
To find out more and to register for MAVO2025 today, visit our website at https://www.midatlanticvo.com
30 Best Voice Over Podcasts You Must Follow in 2025 - "Live with Squacky" was honored on this list of the "30 Best Voice Over Podcast You Must Follow in 2025"!!! I'd love it if you could check it out!!